KCB Board January Meeting Report

Much was discussed at the steering group’s meeting on Thursday.

We agreed formal meeting procedures, elected office bearers (soon to appear on the website), discussed progress to CIC formation and offers from volunteers of help, which Graham Curran will be coordinating.

Discussions are ongoing on the RFI and tender process with regard to both content and these processes interaction with external agencies, including CBS and BT, a meeting about which has been scheduled for 12th February – we’ll report about the content of discussions then here.

Tender preparation is moving forward through Graham’s good offices and the board expressed their thanks for his expertise and efforts officially in the minutes.

Our effort to reach out to our potential subscribers was discussed, particularly with building momentum and including holiday homes as well as permanent residents. The use of old media and new media was proposed and we think there will be a big push around the Easter weekend when many of the Holiday rentals begin their season.

Our next meeting will be at the end of February when the minutes from this recent meeting will be approved and published.