KCB meeting with CBS, 12th February at the Colintraive Hotel

We're reporting specifically on this meeting between Kyles Community Broadband and Community Broadband Scotland because we received news which has the [...]

KCB Board January Meeting Report

Much was discussed at the steering group's meeting on Thursday. We agreed formal meeting procedures, elected office bearers (soon to appear on the website), [...]

Welcome to the first KCB Newsletter!

Thanks for signing up to hear about developments with Kyles Community Broadband. This is the first of our no-more-than-weekly newsletters, and we hope you [...]

Introduction, Charles Dixon-Spain, KCB

from Charles Dixon-Spain, KCB chair and chair of the Colintraive and Glendaruel Development Trust As someone with 13.8km between my home and the exchange, I [...]

Community Meetings

UPDATED: KCB has held three meetings over the last few days, and we are now putting together the information in our presentations as well as the feedback we [...]