Phew! A Weekend of Meetings!

Intervention area

Intervention Area

With meetings in Toward and on Bute on Saturday, and in Colintraive and Kames on Sunday, KCB found an enthusiastic response to our progress. We have attached the powerpoint from the meetings below, but we would like to summarise what the offering is likely to be for those who were not able to make the meetings:

  1. All connections will be at least 30+mbps
  2. All connections will be low latency (meaning gaming and video conferencing will be possible).
  3. The standard price will be £25-£30, with no usage limit – with other packages available at different price points.
  4. No BT line rental necessary
  5. All 624 properties in receipt of a letter from us in February are covered.
  6. Our pre-service survey will be used as our initial contact database for subscribers – in other words, please fill out the survey to get your subscription sooner!
  7. We are part-way through the procurement with a potential date for letting the contract mid-summer 2018
  8. The procurement does not specify technology, but the contract is for seven years and our aim is to be as future-proofed as possible
  9. The winning bid will build and run the network, with KCB CIC providing oversight.

The powerpoint presentation is available here.